Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

Highway 252/I-94 Environmental Review

Brooklyn Center, Brooklyn Park and Minneapolis

Project Manager Newsletter

August 2024

Can you all believe it is the end of August and the beginning of the school year is right around the corner? Now that summer vacations and activities are done, my family and I are getting ready for my favorite time of year: FALL!

The project team has been engaging with a lot of you this summer in meetings and workshops. Thanks to all of you who came to the meetings to talk with us! Your insights, opinions, and feedback are very valuable to the work that we are doing. For those of you that were busy and unable to make the meetings, there is still time to talk with us. I urge all of you who haven’t expressed your thoughts to check out the project website. The website contains information on the first decision point of should Hwy 252 go over the local roadways or under the local roadways. There is an overview video to watch and then you can go to the intersection that interests you to see more information. This information will be available to you all for comment until September 10, 2024. We are looking for your opinions about the over/under decision at each intersection so check it out when you have a moment.

Throughout the Environmental Impact Study, you’ll see a lengthy list of factors we are evaluating as we make decisions. An EIS, if you remember, is the highest level of scrutiny the federal government applies to transportation projects. For the Hwy 252/I-94 study, we have analyzed:

  • Traffic noise
  • Historic properties
  • The potential addition of impervious surface area, which creates more water to treat
  • Impacts to trails and wetlands
  • Potential development on areas that are part of the 100-year floodplain
  • Impacts to the Mississippi River bluff impact zone as well as the shoreline

One unique biological resource we have analyzed impacts for is the Rusty Patched Bumblebee, an endangered species since 2019. We looked at the area of potential low or high potential habitat for the bees. Come and check out the data on the bee’s habitat and the other criteria in the evaluation of each intersection.

After mid-September, the project team will be compiling all the comments to see what is most important to you all. This information will help us decide if Hwy 252 should go over or under the local roadways at 85th Ave, Brookdale Dr, 73rd Ave, 70th Ave, and 66th Ave. The outcomes will move into the next phase of decision-making which is where access will go on Hwy 252. Keep in mind not all the above intersections will have access as there are 5 access combinations we will be evaluating.

I hope you all enjoy the rest of your summer and please contact us with any questions you have.