Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

Project selection

Increasing the transparency of how we select highway construction projects

Specialty and competitive programs

Historic Roadside Properties and Waysides

Scoring criteria for historic roadside property projects. Out of 100 possible points, 30 points are based on statewide ranking or age based on the design and historical significance or years since last renovation, 10 points are based on whether urgent repairs are needed due to a crash, weather or rapid deterioration, 10 points are based on efficiency that might be gained from two or three projects in a similar geography, 10 points are based on local community support or funding contribution, 10 points are based on a tribal connection for properties within reservation boundaries, and 10 points are based on whether a project is located in MnDOT districts 2,7 or 8 which have fewer than average number of historic properties.

The Historic Roadside Properties Program funds the repair, rehabilitation and preservation of roadside properties that are either listed on, or eligible for, the National Register of Historic Places.

Projects were identified by a series of cultural resources studies of historic roadside development properties conducted in 1996-1998 by Gemini Research for MnDOT. A supplement released in updated on 2005 with amendments in 2006 and 2009.  A study of properties constructed prior to 1975 was completed in 2016 by Stark/Deco. A new cumulative study which combines all previous reports and updates selected sites was released in 2020.

The 2020 study identified 243 MnDOT properties, of which 21 are either listed on, or eligible for, the National Register of Historic Places and still owned by MnDOT.

In addition to the scoring criteria, other factors are also considered in selecting historic property rehabilitation and repair projects. For example:

  • It is not unusual for historic structures located close to the roadway to be struck by vehicles. In these cases, the historic property will be repaired as soon as possible under program guidelines and within available funding.
  • Occasionally a property will be found to be deteriorating at a faster rate than anticipated and repairs must be accelerated in order to avoid losing the structure.
  • Local Government agencies, community groups or individuals may request that a structure located close to their municipality be restored and may contribute funding.

What’s been selected?

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How the projects scored

The construction costs shown on this list represent a very high level estimate based on information available at the time selection decisions were made. Actual construction and delivery costs will change over time as projects go from a concept through the project development process and are eventually constructed. View more detailed scores (Excel).

Last updated July 2024

Score Site Name Project Construction Year  Planning Level Project Estimate  Comments
80 Pelican Rapids Village Historical Marker 2024 $ 350,000.00 Repoint marker, ADA, vegetation
80 Otter Tail City Historical Marker 2024 $ 350,000.00 Repoint marker, ADA, interpret, Pavement
80 Maiden Rock HM-Frontenac- Lake Pepin Rest Area (Class 1) 2026 $ 250,000.00 Repoint Marker, ADA, interpret, other stone feat. as permitted by
70 Birch Coulee Historical Marker 2026 $ 400,000.00 Repoint Marker, pavements, relocate other small markers,
70 Otter Tail Lake Rest Area 2024 $ 350,000.00 Parking , ADA, picnic feat.,
70 Cascade River Wayside- Rehabilitation 2025 $ 500,000.00 Full repointing
70 HEWITT RPA     Repoint masonry, ADA, vault toilet/shelter TBD
60 Garrison Concourse 2026 $ 500,000.00 Full repoint
60 Christmas Lake     Full rehab and ADA
60 Noyes Roadside Parking Area     On closed border -
hold until new information
60 Avoca Historical Marker     Full rehab-repoint, DA interpret?
51 Split Rock Lighthouse Overlook 2025 $250,000 ADA access to overlook, other as
50 Kensington Runestone Historical Marker     TBD
50 Marine on St. Croix     TBD
49 Willow Lake 2023 $ 250,000.00 Log Structure restoration and secure, interpret- no quotes
48 Redwood Falls Retaining Wall     repoint
46 Spruce Creek Culvert (Bridge 8292)     Full repoint
45 Browns Valley     Repoint, interpret
43 Craigie Flour Mill 2024 200,000 ADA, repoint,
42 Vineland Historical Marker not contribu ting $ Full rehab, interpret
40 Preston Overlook     Buckthorn mgmt., ADA, repoint
40 Stillwater - (South) Scenic Overlook/Lake St. Croix     Clean repoint
39 Orr Roadside Parking Area 2025 $ 250,000.00 Repoint, explore ADA

Previous years