Minnesota Department of Transportation

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Technical Certification Program

Print or download the listed course materials, and bring them to class.

Concrete Field Tester Certification – ACI (CFTC)

Prerequisites for certification

  • None

Expiration and recertification options

  • This certification expires after five seasons.
  • A recertification must be completed before the end of the fifth training season. If only a MnDOT certification is needed or desired, you may take a MnDOT recertification class. If ACI certification is needed, you must repeat and pass the MnDOT Concrete Field tester (ACI) Certification course or complete the ACI Concrete Field-Testing Technician Grade 1 certification.
  • Once a certification is expired, you must complete the full certification course again to be certified.

Class logistics

  • Learning mode: In person for classroom and lab
  • If you need to register: Learn about the certification process and then register for the class.
  • Logistics: See the Registration Confirmation and Class Reminder emails from Lake Superior College for class dates, time, location, and directions. Time will be provided for on- or off-site lunch. No meals or beverages will be provided.
  • Learning differences and accommodations: If you have a disability or learning issue, either permanent or temporary, which might affect your ability to perform in a class or the performance exam, contact Suzanne Johnsrud, 218-428-1002, to discuss possible accommodations. Individuals who require reasonable accommodations may need to provide ACI Certification with a letter from their physician that outlines the recommended accommodations. All requests are handled on a case-by-case basis and must be made allowing enough time for evaluation and appropriate action.
  • Summary: CFT Certification Summary (PDF)
  • Professional development hours (PDHs): 12
  • Lake Superior College course credits possible: 1 (you must complete an LSC course credit form)

What to bring to class

These materials will be provided to you at the class

  • ACI CP-1 40th Ed., Concrete Field Testing Technician Grade 1

Reference books/manuals to bring (hard copy or electronic)  

  • None

Also bring to class

  • Calculator
  • number 2 pencils and eraser
  • Face mask (for health and safety, if needed)
  • Lunch and beverages to eat/drink if you plan on site  
  • Hard toed shoes and other safety gear for lab (required)

About the certification exams

Written exam process

  • The one-hour written examination is closed-book and consists of 55 multiple-choice questions. There are between five and ten questions on each of the ASTM test methods and practices. To pass the written examination, BOTH of the following conditions must be met:
    • At least 60% correct for each of the required test methods and practices; AND
    • A minimum score of 70% overall.
  • Unlike TCP exams, the results are not available until after ACI processes them, typically in about six weeks. 

Written exam topics

  • C1064/C1064M – 17—Temperature of Freshly Mixed Hydraulic-Cement Concrete
  • C172/C172M – 17—Sampling Freshly Mixed Concrete
  • C143/C143M – 15a—Slump of Hydraulic-Cement Concrete
  • C138/C138M – 17a—Density (Unit Weight), Yield, and Air Content (Gravimetric) of Concrete
  • C231/C231M – 17a—Air Content of Freshly Mixed Concrete by the Pressure Method
  • C173/C173M – 16—Air Content of Freshly Mixed Concrete by the Volumetric Method
  • C31/C31M – 19—Making and Curing Concrete Test Specimens in the Field

Materials allowed during the written exam

This is a closed-book exam run by ACI. Students are allowed to bring a calculator to the written exam.

Performance exam

  • You will complete a performance exam during the class.
  • The performance examination is also "closed book" and requires actual demonstration of six of the required test methods and practices plus a verbal description of Practice C172/C172M (sampling). The examinee is judged on his/her ability to correctly perform (or describe, where allowed) all of the required steps for each procedure.
  • The certification will not be awarded until the performance exam is complete and recorded.