Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

Hwy 73 resurfacing – Chisholm

St. Louis County

Summary of work

A rendering of the Hwy 73 Chisholm project.

Click image for full-size image

Pavement rehabilitation (mill and overlay and concrete joint repair).

Demonstration project

When MnDOT hosted a public meeting in Chisholm on June 10, we talked about the construction project coming in 2027. This includes looking at the intersection of Hwy 73/Lake Street and 3rd Avenue Northwest. While MnDOT is studying all possibilities at the intersection, it was suggested we conduct a demonstration project to see how a 4-way stop would function in place of signal lights. We support this idea and are coordinating the demonstration project for approximately one month, beginning mid-August.

We chose this time period to accommodate larger traffic volumes from the holiday weekend and the start of school. The existing signal lights will blink red from all four directions during this time period, so we can study how traffic functions through the intersection and how pedestrians navigate the intersection.

Temporary curb bumpouts will also be installed during this timeframe. Bumpouts create a shorter distance for pedestrians to cross an intersection.

What is the purpose of bumpouts? (PDF)

Chisholm intersection
Chisholm intersection
Chisholm intersection
Chisholm intersection

Public meetings

MnDOT hosted a public meeting on June 10 to talk about the Hwy 73 construction project. For those unable to attend in person, meeting materials are below.

Traffic impacts

None at this time.