Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

Hwy 23 and Hwy 7

Clara City

About this project

image of intersection of Hwy 23  and Hwy 7 in Clara City

In 2021, MnDOT, Clara City, Chippewa County, and the Highway 23 Coalition partnered to conduct a safety study evaluating different intersection options to improve safety and traffic movement

The recommendation of the study is to convert the intersection to an all-way stop control layout with LED stop signs at both the Hwy 23 and Hwy 7 approaches

An all-way stop control will best serve the needs of this intersection to meet traffic volume capacity and decrease crash risk

Summary of work

Hwy 23

  • left turn lanes will be removed to lessen confusion at the all-way stop controlled intersection
  • the stop sign in the median will be placed closer to the through lane

Hwy 7

  • permanent and temporary signage will be installed to guide motorists
  • rumble strips will be installed to alert motorists and enhance safety

A final study report is available (PDF)