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MnDOT and LRRB research funding awards CY2023/FY2025

The Minnesota Department of Transportation Research Steering Committee and the Minnesota Local Road Research Board have announced funding awards for the CY2023/FY2025 academic transportation research Request for Proposals (RFP).

The following proposals were selected for funding in 2024. Choose a project below to sign up for project updates.

Category Need Statement Project Title Principal Investigator University Sponsor
Environmental NS-705 Species From Feces: A New Tool to Identify Bats in Culverts and on Bridges Ron Moen University of Minnesota - Duluth MnDOT
KB23-01-1 Investigating Real Storms and the Impact of Potential Climate Change Adaptations Andrew Erickson University of Minnesota MnDOT
KB23-01-2 Assessing Effectiveness of Pond Sediment Removal for Phosphorus Management in Stormwater Ponds John Gulliver University of Minnesota LRRB
Maintenance Operations NS-706 Cost Benefit Analysis for Sustainable Energy Building Upgrades at Safety Rest Areas and Travel Information Centers Yao Yu North Dakota State University MnDOT
NS-707 Amount of Bituminous Surface Lost Each Year Ramez Hajj University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign MnDOT
Unsolicited Alternative Deicer Performance Characterization: Know Before the Snow Stephen Druschel Minnesota State University Mankato LRRB
Materials & Construction NS-708 Quantify the Benefits of Using Geotextiles and Geogrids to Improve the Performance of Unbound Pavement Layers Erol Tutumluer University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign MnDOT
NS-709 Vulnerability Assessments of Critical Slope Areas Using Advanced Monitoring Techniques Surya S.C. Congress Michigan State University MnDOT
KB23-05-1 Impact of Asphalt Lift Thickness on Pavement Density and Durability Mihai Marasteanu University of Minnesota LRRB
Unsolicited Long-term Field Performance Evaluation of Chip Seals Raquel Moraes National Center for Asphalt Technology, Auburn University LRRB
Multimodal NS-715 Comparative Analysis of Grade-Separated Pedestrian Infrastructure and At-grade Treatments Michael Levin University of Minnesota LRRB
Policy and Planning NS-711 Analyzing Truck Size and Weight Impacts on Vehicle Miles Traveled Alireza Khani University of Minnesota LRRB
NS-723 Transitioning to EV Fleets: Best Practices and a Decision Tool Alireza Khani University of Minnesota LRRB
NS-724 Best Practice for Oversized/Overweight Vehicles Lev Khazanovich University of Pittsburgh LRRB
KB23-04-1 Use of MNCORS to Support AV Operations in Rural Minnesota Rajesh Rajamani University of Minnesota LRRB
Traffic and Safety NS-717 Roadside Feature Placement and Pedestrian Safety on Low and Intermediate Speed Roads Kakan Dey Michigan State University LRRB
NS-718 Speed Impacts from Roundabouts and Other Traffic Control Devices Peter Savolainen Michigan State University Joint
NS-719 Effect of Centerlines on Prevailing Traffic Speeds of Low-speed, Two-lane, Two-way Roads in Urban Contexts Tim Gates Michigan State University Joint
NS-721 Roundabouts, J-turns, etc. - Understanding Their Economic Impacts Ranjit Godavarthy North Dakota State University Joint
NS-725 User Understanding of Pedestrian Hybrid Beacon Operation Kakan Dey Michigan State University LRRB
KB23-03-1 Rural Intersection Enhancement and Driver Behavior Study Nichole Morris University of Minnesota LRRB

Updated: January 2024