Minnesota Department of Transportation

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Research & Innovation

PI and TAP video training

Principal Investigator 101

This first webinar in the series offers a high-level overview of how you can participate as a principal investigator for MnDOT research and implementation projects. We’ll highlight the critical dates and activities in the research and implementation cycles, describe the help available from MnDOT Library as you investigate possible research ideas, and offer tips for preparing and presenting an effective proposal.

  • Brief introduction to RSS and the webinar series
  • MnDOT’s research development steps and timeline
  • Working with Need Statements
  • Submitting a proposal without a Need Statement
  • Identifying a public sector champion for your research idea
  • Working with Master Contracts
  • Print and electronic resources
  • Literature searches
  • MnDOT Library’s Services and products
  • Reference assistance
  • MnDOT’s focus on quantifying benefits and implementation
  • Completing an effective Proposal
  • Presenting the Proposal

After your project proposal has been selected for funding, your next step is to prepare a work plan. In this webinar, you’ll learn how to prepare a work plan that, once approved, is used to develop a contract for your research project. We’ll share a revised work plan template that includes three new tasks for this research cycle.

  • Brief introduction to RSS and the webinar series
  • Roles and Responsibilities (MnDOT, PIs, CTS (U of M), and other Universities)
  • Brief overview of IdeaScale
  • Moving from the proposal to the work plan
  • Completing the work plan form
  • Understanding the review process for task deliverables
  • Developing the Scope, budget, and schedule
  • Planning for implementation
  • Incorporating benefits and implementation into the work plan
  • Contracting steps and timeline

In this webinar, you’ll learn about the key players and support provided by MnDOT Research Services as work begins on your project. We’ll offer recommendations on how to prepare deliverables and meet key deadlines, address the forms and approvals needed to move your project forward, and consider the alternatives when you’re unable to proceed with your project as planned.

  • Brief introduction to RSS and the webinar series
  • Roles and Responsibilities (MnDOT, PIs, CTS (U of M), and other Universities)
  • Working with TAP
  • Working with Subcontractors
  • Completing Task Deliverables in a timely manner
  • Obtaining Task Approval
  • Quarterly Reports
  • Invoicing Process and Approval Timeline
  • Contract Amendments
  • Travel Authorization and Reimbursement
  • Reimbursement for Equipment and Materials
  • Transition Plan for a change in PI

This last webinar in the series focuses on one of the most typical final products of a MnDOT research project—the final report. We’ll discuss the guidelines for preparing your report, the marketing vehicles available to you to publicize your project, and the process for both you and MnDOT to evaluate your research project as it concludes. We’ll also tell you how to participate in a MnDOT implementation project.

  • Brief introduction to RSS and the webinar series
  • Draft vs. Final Report
  • Guidelines for preparing the Final Report
  • Technical and Editorial Reviews
  • Publicizing Research Results
  • Implementation Projects
  • Project Evaluation