Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

Safe Routes to School

Demonstration Project Technical Assistance Opportunity

The demonstration project technical assistance opportunity is currently closed.

What is a demonstration project?

Demonstration projects are short term, low-cost, temporary roadway projects used to pilot long-term design solutions to improve walking/bicycling and public spaces. Projects might include, but are not limited to, bicycle lanes, crosswalk markings, curb extensions, and median safety islands. Demonstration projects allow public agencies, community partners, as well as people walking, biking, taking transit, and driving to evaluate potential infrastructure improvements before investing in permanent changes. Benefits of taking a demonstration project approach include:

  • Test aspects of a project’s design before making further investments
  • Inspire action and build support for future permanent implementation
  • Develop further public awareness of the concern and potential action
  • Increase public engagement by inviting stakeholders to try improvements for active transportation
  • Deepen understanding of active transportation needs in the community
  • Encourage people to work together in new ways and strengthen relationships between government agencies, non-profit organizations, local businesses, and residents
  • Gather data from real-world use of streets and public spaces

Learn more about demonstration projects.

image of two students crossing the road by an installed demonstration project

Demonstration Project Technical Assistance (TA) overview

Demonstration Project Technical Assistance will support communities with existing Safe Routes to School /Active Transportation plans, or other comprehensive approaches, in undertaking the process to plan, design and implement a demonstration project in their community. Selected communities will participate in a professional facilitated workshop to explore safety issues and collaboratively develop solutions at a location identified in their SRTS/Active Transportation plan or other planning document. Communities will partner with the local road authority to develop an MN MUTCD-compliant demonstration project concept. This technical assistance includes all the drawings, specifications, and permits required to implement the demonstration project. Installation materials will be provided to implement a demonstration project at the identified location. Community members are encouraged to participate in project installation and evaluation.

More detail on MnDOT’s Demonstration Project process is in the guide (PDF).

Helpful Information Before Applying

Consider reviewing the Demonstration Project Implementation Guide to see if the proposal you have in mind aligns with best practices for these types of projects. MnDOT’s Demonstration Projects in Minnesota StoryMap can be used for inspiration while considering possibilities for project installation. A Letter of Commitment from the Road Authority is required as a part of the application.

What you can expect if you receive a grant

If you receive a grant through this solicitation, you will receive consultant support to finalize planning for the demonstration project. The consultant providing support will also develop plan sets for the installation of each demonstration project. MnDOT will also provide required materials for installation. Projects selected through the Active Transportation Program solicitation may not exceed $25,000 in combined consultant support and materials furnished.

Frequently asked questions

An FAQ document (Word) will be updated with any new questions submitted to MnDOT by Friday of each week during the solicitation process. Questions and answers from previous solicitations are currently available.

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Demonstration project resources
