Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

Safe Routes to School

Design assistance

Design assistance is a new form of engineering studies. It intends to bridge the gap between safe routes to school plan strategies and implementation. Design assistance reports will verify existing methods and identify new engineering strategies to improve walking and bicycling routes to and from schools. The resulting document will include project summary sheets with concept-level drawings and a list of potential infrastructure projects prioritized by effectiveness in addressing safety risks, possible usage, and cost. Additional details are available in the solicitation guide.

How it works

Selected applicants will receive consultant services to develop a design report. This report will identify up to four community locations where students walk or bike to school. Consultants will assist recipients in the spring/summer and fall to identify areas and determine potential improvements for each site.

There may be up to three alternatives for each location, including potential infrastructure improvements, safety benefits, and rough construction costs. Recipients may use this report to plan future construction projects and bolster applications for state and federal infrastructure funding.


Both public and nonprofit entities (with support from their local road authority) may submit applications for funding.

Eligible groups

  • Schools, both public and private
  • School districts
  • Cities
  • Counties
  • Townships
  • Federally Recognized Tribal Nations

Application process

What you'll need

  • An existing Safe Routes to School plan finalized on or after January 18, 2018
  • Letters of support from both the benefitting school and the local government roadway authority


  • Application link coming soon
  • Solicitation guide coming soon


  • October 1, 2024 – Solicitation opens
  • 5 p.m. November 22, 2024 – Deadline for applicants to submit applications
  • January 17, 2025 – Project selection finalized, and award letters distributed to applicants

Informational Webinars

Two webinars are provided to go over the application requirements. Both webinars will cover the same materials, and it is not necessary to attend both.

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