Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

Transportation Data and Analysis

Cartographic maps, GIS data, traffic monitoring programs, and LRS maintenance

traffic on a highway
  • Coordinates MnDOT's traffic monitoring and vehicle classification programs to produce Annual Average Daily Traffic (AADT) volumes for trunk highways and local roads
  • Provides leadership, methods, training, technical assistance, and quality assurance for 20-year traffic volume and load forecasts prepared by District Offices
  • Assists in special traffic studies and prepares traffic data reports for FHWA's Highway Performance Monitoring System (HPMS)

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  • Responsible for MnDOT’s Linear Referencing System (LRS), an integrated database with roadway and selected bridge, accident, traffic, and pavement data
  • Creates and updates Keypoints reports with information on location, jurisdiction, functional classification, surface/shoulder type, road width and reference points
  • Maintains Control Section records and Construction Project logs containing history of all construction projects affecting pavement along a highway section

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Geographic Information & Mapping (GIM)

  • Responsible for preparing and maintaining MnDOT's cartographic data through GIS and other applications
  • Develops the Official State Highway Map; maps for Minnesota's 87 counties; 1,782 townships; several cities; statewide street series maps
  • Maintains geospatial layers found on MnDOT's Interactive Basemap and provides data sets that include GIS shapefiles, metadata, and information about transportation features, boundaries, streams, rivers and lake locations

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