Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

Performance Measure Dashboard


Electric Vehicles


About the measures

MnDOT annually reports the cumulative number of light duty electric vehicles (EV), including plug-in hybrid and battery electric vehicles, registered in Minnesota. MnDOT also tracks original EV registrations of the most recent year light duty models, which are registrations from a new sale or an imported vehicle from out of state. MnDOT uses original registrations as an estimate for the annual light duty EV sales as a share of overall vehicle sales.

Where we want to go

MnDOT’s goal is for 5 percent of light-duty vehicles registered in Minnesota to be EVs by 2025 and 65 percent by 2040.

Light-duty vehicles with internal combustion engines are the largest contributors to transportation greenhouse gas emissions in the state. While federal fuel economy standards will lower emissions in the future, electrifying and having light duty electric vehicles are important strategies to meet the state’s climate goal. While not yet on track to meet the statewide targets, EVs registrations continue to increase in Minnesota. EV's include electric vehicles, hydrogen fuel cell powered vehicles and other non-carbon-based fueled vehicles. More detailed information is available on the EValuateMN dashboard. MnDOT also analyzed EV market trends and strategies for increasing the number of EVs on the road in its 2021 Minnesota EV Assessment.

At the federal government level, the National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (NEVI) Formula Program was created to provide funds to states to install fast chargers for elective vehicles. As described in the 2022 Statewide Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Plan, MnDOT expects to invest about $68 million in NEVI funds over five years (along with a 20 percent non-federal match). The focus in 2022 was light duty EV charging needs for the state’s existing Alternative Fuel Corridors (AFCs) along Interstate 94 and Interstate 35. The next focus will be on medium- and heavy-duty EV charging needs. Following a 2023 plan update, MnDOT will also begin developing proposed program evaluation metrics for tracking progress toward the state’s EV goals such as statewide system miles covered by EV charging stations and the percent of the state population within 15 and 50 miles of a station.

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